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CSI The Fast Track:

7 days to $1000/month with clients you LOVE.

Experts want to give you money. Here’s the fastest way to get it.

Get Leads, Customers, Or BOTH …In 7 Days Or Less!

Work at your own pace but not by yourself

$499 $197

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What We’re Doing

We’re building a side hustle that can turn into an actual business designed to get leads, clients or BOTH paying you $1,000/month in 7 days or less

…without building courses, funnels, email campaigns or developing new skills

If a 12 year old can do it, you can do it too.

Here’s what’s inside:

We have ONE goal for you:

get a paying client by the end of this week.

That’s why The Fast Track Focuses on the main 3 areas of accelerated success:

Client attraction:

  • How to avoid nightmare clients by spotting the red flags
  • How to get your foot in the door with the ONE sentence that gets you fully booked (without sounding salesy)
  • How to make sure you’re only talking to people that have money
  • The ONE mistake that can kill the deal before it ever started
  • How to get clients FAST with no testimonials or referrals
  • How to charge premium pricing even if you have no experience.
  • And more…

Expert Gene Activation:

  • How to get them into an addictive emotional state so they’re happy to pay you every month
  • How to get your experts to say the right things at just the right time that positions them as a thought leader in their industry
  • How to maximize the time together to make sure that you get the most value minute per minute (work less, earn more!)
  • The ONE tool you need to turn the interview into content magic (saving you HOURS)
  • And…. more!

Content Magic:

  • How to get a million dollar production for less than a 100th of the cost
  • How to quickly design content even if you don’t have a designer bone in your body
  • How to write compelling copy without being a copywriter (remember, my 12 years old is doing it)
  • How to outsource all of it so you really get paid to only talk
  • y mucho mas

$350 BONUS

Private Fast-Action Strategy Session

to help you plan your goals and develop a complete blueprint to implement what you learned at the Fast Track to grow your business.

In this session we’ll look into:

  • How you’re attracting clients
  • What kind of vibe you’re putting out there (attract, don’t chase)
  • How to fit this into your lifestyle
  • How to handle your unique conversations

We’re also going to look into…

  • How you’re actually delivering the interviews
  • How you can get more value for every minute that you’re spending with your clients
  • How you can make yourself even more valuable and go from a bill to a steady paycheck
  • How to turn this side hustle into an actual business
  • And anything you want to bring to the conversation

Double & even triple your investment

$499 $197

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Let’s get you results like these too:

2 clients in 2 days

From Zero to $4,000/month

So Easy to get clients

I got more money!

I’m getting paid right up front

Just picked up a 4th client

Replaced my income and working 33 hours LESS a week!

She talked herself into signing up

$2k-$3k fees look cheap

She’s bringing me on to work with agencies

This is pure joy

I get to talk about things I love

My first client is already referring me

About Your coach

Meet Yifat (pronounced “ee-fah-t”, the “Y” makes the long “e” sound like in Yvonne)
She is an entrepreneur that runs an engagement marketing business that helps entrepreneurs establish instant trust with their prospects. She’s been in business for over 11 years, she does Krav Maga, loves geeky things, cooks spicy food, and is a traveler and adventurer, but also one who loves her sleep and strong coffee (which really doesn’t go together, does it?).

One of the first 100 people to be invited to Google+, Yifat has built her entire brand with one show on one platform that most people didn’t even care about.
Google hired Yifat and flew her around the world to train their own team and speak at their offices (which they hardly let a non-Googler do). She worked with the city of Austin, was featured on radio shows, big stages and live events… all because Yifat understands one thing:

In our overly connected world, we are starving for connection.

And when we provide that connection we are rewarded with referrals, loyalty and $$$.

Her clients have generated over $250,000 in 10 days from a dead list because of her Instant Trust strategy.
Others have made over $100,000 in that same span of time, while others saw 40% conversions and high ticket sales from cold audience.

Today Yifat provides that service to companies who have more leads than clients and helps them add an additional 10%-20% to their bottom line without paying for more leads.
